The contest "He who guards his language protects his nation" was conducted amongst the employees of the prosecutor's office

The contest "He who guards his language protects his nation" was conducted amongst the employees of the prosecutor's office

On October 11-12, 2023, the republican stage of the competition "He who guards his language protects his nation" was conducted at the Law Enforcement Academy for employees of the prosecutor's office, Department, and Bureau.

More than one hundred employees of the prosecutor's office participated in the competition's regional phases, and those who won advanced to the final round.

The selection commissions the various regions, as well as the Committee at the final stage, comprised of individuals with expertise in philology, literature, poetry, and literary scholarship, and experienced individuals from within the system.

The participants who won first place in the first round of the only systematic analytical job competition took part in an oral interview in the final round. When writing the analytical paper, special attention was required to be paid to the state of compliance with the legislation on the state language and effective methods of public control in this area, ways and measures to eliminate problems associated with the use of the state language, and suggestions and comments on further enhancing the authority and reputation of the state language.  The winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places of the systematic-analytical work competition, as well as the winners of the "best systematic analysis" and "traditional situation and unconventional solution" nominations, were determined through an oral interview conducted by the Committee.

In the first stage of the literacy competition, the winners were determined based on the results of solving the test questions of the candidates based on the Uzbek literary language standards and the Uzbek alphabet based on the Latin script. At the final stage of the literacy competition, the participants wrote essays on current topics based on classic literary works, and the winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as well as the winner of the "most beautiful e-mail" nomination, were determined.

Candidates who won the regional stage of the poetry competition participated in the final stage not only as perfect connoisseurs of literature and poetry, but also as an author, and read out the poetic text of their choice in front of the members of the selection committee.