The III International Olympiad on Financial Security in Sochi has ended

The III International Olympiad on Financial Security in Sochi has ended

Representatives of the International Network Institute for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing headed by the Law Enforcement Academy took part in the III International Olympiad on Financial Security, held in Sochi (Russia).

The final stage of the Olympiad was held with the participation of 377 students from 19 countries and 109 schoolchildren from Russia in the following areas: "financial security", "information security", "jurisprudence" and "international relations".

The participation of the national team of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Olympiad was crowned with success: 5 of our students received diplomas of I and II degrees in the areas of "Financial security", "International Relations" and "Information security".

In addition, our students took an active part in trainings and master classes held within the framework of the Olympiad program, four of them became winners in the nominations "the best correct answer", "the most active participant", "the most correct answers" and were awarded valuable prizes.

In particular, a student of the Law Enforcement Academy Z.Abdullayeva was recognized as the winner in the nomination "The most active participant" of the training "Cybersecurity: the risk of professional activity" and was awarded a valuable gift.

Zh.Razmukhamedov (TUIT) won the competitions in figure football held as part of the Olympiad, and won a ticket to participate in the competitions that will be held in Kazan (Russia) from February 21 to March 3 , 2024

More than 60 educational, sports and cultural events have been organized for the participants of the Olympiad, including 15 practical classes, about 40 master classes, trainings and discussions, about 300 specialists are involved in this process.

According to the results of the Olympic events in the ranking of countries (19 countries), representatives of Uzbekistan took the honorable 2nd place in the team competition.