A seminar was organized at the Anti-Corruption Agency

A seminar was organized at the Anti-Corruption Agency

According to Decree No. PF-6013 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 29 June 2020, new employees of the Agency for Combating Corruption will receive specialized training at the Law Enforcement Academy. This training will include the study of theoretical and practical issues related to preventing and combating corruption, foreign experience, and international standards. Education will be provided to programs.

In order to carry out the tasks outlined in the decree, the Academy has devised a course on "National and international standards and foreign experience in preventing and combating corruption."

Before beginning this special distance course, the Anti-Corruption Agency held a seminar in which the significance of the course for newly hired employees, obstacles to its successful implementation, and the Academy's online training portal were discussed.

Z.Boysinov, director of the agency's personnel network, A.Ibraymov, head of the Academy's department, and H.Tursunbekov, head of the Center, oversaw the event.

During the seminar, the employees of the Agency received detailed responses to their questions about the special course to be organized and the advanced training courses conducted by the Academy for public servants in the republic on the subject of fighting corruption.