A refresher course was conducted for investigators of the Prosecutor's Office and internal affairs bodies

A refresher course was conducted for investigators of the Prosecutor's Office and internal affairs bodies

The Academy conducted a training course with the participation of investigators of the Prosecutor's Office and internal affairs bodies on the topic: "National legislation and international standards for the prohibition of torture."

The course program included such topical issues as the analysis of international standards and national legislation on combating torture, the duties of the investigator, investigator, prosecutor and court to determine the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of crimes, tactics of investigating crimes related to torture (using the example of the Istanbul Protocol), norms regarding the admissibility of evidence in criminal proceedings, opportunities ensuring psychological stability of law enforcement officers in various stressful situations, the possibilities of conducting expertise in solving crimes related to torture, examining the crime scene related to torture, conducting urgent investigative actions, the possibilities of digital forensics in solving crimes, the role of national preventive mechanisms for the prevention of torture.

During the training courses, it was noted that the protection of participants in criminal proceedings from torture and ensuring their rights is the primary task of investigative bodies, and the importance of using modern information technologies in solving crimes, studying best practices related to the disclosure of crimes, and consistent professional development of employees in this direction was emphasized.