On the way to building research capacity in law enforcement agencies

On the way to building research capacity in law enforcement agencies

According to the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 524 dated September 30, 2023 to the Scientific Council No.DSc.31/31.12.2020.Yu.67.01 on awarding the degrees of Doctor of Sciences (DSc) and Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan it is allowed to defend dissertations in the specialty 12.00.01 – "Theory and history of state and law; history of legal doctrines".

Thus, the basis has been created and new opportunities have been opened for conducting research on the history of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan in close interrelation of research activities with practice.

The introduction of a new specialty 12.00.01 – "Theory and History of State and Law; history of legal doctrines" in the Scientific Council of the Academy expands the possibilities of studying the history of various theories of law, ideas representing the foundations of legal thought, approaches to the study of law and the state, expands the possibilities of their comparative legal research using theoretical, methodological, historical and logical, general, special and other methods characteristic of the processes of development of law and the state. 

Due attention will also be paid to restoring historical justice and perpetuating the memory of people, in particular, prosecutors, scientists and public figures who became innocent victims on the way to ensuring the freedom and prosperity of our people.