The training course for investigators of internal affairs bodies has started its work

The training course for investigators of internal affairs bodies has started its work

A training course on "Issues of organization of investigation in internal affairs bodies" was launched at the Law Enforcement Academy for investigators of internal affairs bodies.

The course program covers the general rules of inspection of the scene of the incident, rapid search activities, taking samples for expert examination, organization of investigative activities before the investigation of crimes initiated on the basis of the victim's complaint, some issues of qualifying the act when several crimes have been committed, crime based on the results of rapid search activities including the organization of use in the process, investigative actions related to the disclosure of human trafficking crimes and other issues.

Advanced course on the essence of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Combating Human Trafficking", communication and its components, specific features, non-verbal means of communication, basics of digital forensics, specific features and procedural aspects of evidentiary interrogation, fraud crime investigation general and special aspects of criminal activity, rapid search, pre-investigative investigation, inquiry and the procedure for studying the financial aspects of criminal activity during the implementation of preliminary investigation activities are aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of the listeners.