The national seminar-training on "Digital forensics: problems and prospects" has been completed

The national seminar-training on "Digital forensics: problems and prospects" has been completed

A seminar-training on "Digital forensics: problems and prospects" was held at the Law Enforcement Academy in cooperation with the coordinator of OSCE projects in Uzbekistan.

The seminar-training was held on October 22-27 with the participation of leading foreign experts in the field from Moldova, Portugal, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Korea.

Within the framework of the event, the expert of the Center for Combating Cybercrimes of the Republic of Moldova A. Degtyarev conducted practical training on identifying and collecting digital evidence in the investigation of crimes in the field of sexual exploitation of children through the Internet.

Rui López Vieira, a Portuguese expert - Interpol's criminal intelligence specialist, conducted training on the rules of international cooperation in combating crimes in the field of child sexual exploitation via the Internet.

Deputy Head of the Expert Criminalistics Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Major General of Justice I.A. Streltsov and Head of the First Department (verification of electronic media), Colonel. T. Yu. Salikhov conducted training sessions on the possibilities of digital forensics and the procedure for collecting and analyzing information on cryptocurrency transactions used for criminal purposes in the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

On the last two days of the seminar, Park Yongjai and Yi Changwan, experts of the National Center for Digital Criminalistics under the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Korea, conducted practical training on extracting and analyzing data from mobile devices using the HANCOM GMD and Final Mobile programs of leading Korean companies.

At the end of the event, the employees of the law enforcement agency who participated in the seminar-training were presented by the project coordinator of the OSCE in Uzbekistan, etc. Certificates were handed over by S. Sizov.