Discussion of the results of the dissertation research within the scientific hour

Discussion of the results of the dissertation research within the scientific hour

Within the framework of the scientific hour, the presentation of the main results of the dissertation research of the independent applicant of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan L.Barakaev on the topic was held: "Procedural and forensic aspects of audit as a method of collecting evidence".

The event was attended by the teaching staff, doctoral students and independent applicants of the Academy, Tashkent State Law University, the University of Public Security, the National Center for Human Rights, the Higher School of Judges, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Institute of State and Law.

During the event, L.Barakayev, an independent applicant, put forward proposals on entering information on criminal cases into the unified information system "Electronic Criminal Law Statistics", considering audit documents as one of the types of evidence, granting authority to extend the audit period to regional and equivalent prosecutors, appointing a repeat audit if the objections of an official or representative are justified the audited entity, as well as the adoption of a methodology regulating the procedure for appointing and conducting an audit.

The participants also noted the effectiveness of such events and suggested holding them on a regular basis.