A refresher course was conducted for the staff of the Prosecutor's Office

A refresher course was conducted for the staff of the Prosecutor's Office

The Law Enforcement Academy conducted a refresher course for assistants of district (city) and equivalent prosecutors on the topic: "Issues of ensuring the inviolability of property when considering administrative, civil and economic cases in courts".

The training took place in a distance and traditional form, nine weeks of the course were conducted online, on the job, and the remaining one week in the traditional form on the job.

Based on the relevant educational content developed to improve knowledge and skills, the students took part in classes on compliance with the requirements of legislative acts when considering cases in administrative, civil, and economic courts, the specifics of resolving cases by these courts to protect the inviolability of property, the tasks assigned to prosecutors in this matter, the justification of procedural documents drawn up by the prosecutor.

At the end of the course, the students' knowledge was assessed and certificates were awarded.