A training course was held for investigators of the prosecutor's office

A training course was held for investigators of the prosecutor's office

A training course was held at the academy on the topic of "Increasing the efficiency of using modern criminalistic technical tools in the conduct of investigative actions on criminal cases" with the participation of prosecutor's office investigators.

Within the framework of the course program, in order to increase the efficiency of the use of modern criminalistic technical tools by the investigators of the prosecutor's office in the investigation of criminal cases, DNA, phonography, forensic ballistics, computer-technical, explosion techniques, the possibilities of forensic medical examinations of the corpse, the procedure for examining the scene of an incident related to an explosion , special educational-practical trainings were conducted on expert investigation activities.

In addition, mobile training sessions were held for the audience with the participation of qualified specialists and experts at the Republican Forensic Center named after H. Sulaymonova, the Main Center of Expert Criminalistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Main Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Health.