Participation of representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy in the conference held in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis within the framework of the month on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 16

Participation of representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy in the conference held in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis within the framework of the month on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 16

Representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy took part in a conference on promoting a peaceful and inclusive society in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring access to justice and creating effective, accountable and participatory institutions, organized by the relevant committees of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber.

The Deputy Head of the Academy, Executive Secretary of the “Effective Management Group” for the implementation of the SDG U.U.Nigmadjanov, informed the participants about the work being done to achieve Goal 16. In particular, measures were noted to coordinate the activities of responsible ministries and departments, to train employees in the methodology of measuring indicators, as well as on ongoing joint international projects. Special attention is paid to the implementation of task 16.4 in terms of reducing illegal financial flows.

As a result of the discussions, a number of recommendations were developed to achieve the goals of Goal 16 in our country, as well as to measure and constantly monitor indicators related to these tasks.