On the holding of the competition "Expert on human rights"

On the holding of the competition "Expert on human rights"

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.UP–70 dated May 12, 2023 "On the wide celebration of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", it is planned to hold a competition "Expert in human rights" among students of higher educational institutions. According to the standard provision of the competition, the selection process for undergraduate and graduate students will be carried out in the following areas:

"The best expert on human rights";

"The best expert on universal human rights treaties";

"The best legislative proposal in the field of human rights";

"The author of the best innovative idea."

The winners of the nominations will be determined by the selection committee as follows:

1. In the nomination "The best expert on human rights" – a test consisting of 50 questions, each correct answer is estimated at 2 points;

2. In the nomination "The best expert on universal human rights treaties" – a test consisting of 30 questions, as well as an essay.

3. In the nomination "The best legislative proposal in the field of human rights" – a presentation via MS PowerPoint and an essay.

4. In the nomination "Author of the best innovative idea" – presentation of ideas and developments to create amenities for the population.

Students of the Academy who wish to participate in this competition can apply to the faculties of Bachelor's and master's degrees by December 10 this year.