The second launch of the course "Combating Violence against Women" for law enforcement agencies took place

The second launch of the course "Combating Violence against Women" for law enforcement agencies took place

As part of the annual international campaign "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" and the implementation of the National Human Rights Education Program in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law Enforcement Academy organized the second launch of the course "Combating Violence against Women" for law enforcement agencies with the assistance of the Council of Europe's HELP program (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals).

The course was attended by 40 investigators from the prosecution authorities. The course, developed with the participation of national and international experts from the Council of Europe, is organized in both online and offline formats, which will allow reaching a wider audience of interested law enforcement personnel in the future.

The course program covers the fundamental international standards in combating violence against women, an overview of international legal practices, and the practices of the European Court of Human Rights in cases of domestic violence and violence against women. It also addresses the legal foundations and law enforcement practices in the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the prevention of violence against women and other related issues.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be awarded international certificates.