Participated in the event dedicated to the fight against corruption

Participated in the event dedicated to the fight against corruption

"Uzsanoatkurilishbank" ADB, other state and commercial banks, business entities and mass media representatives took part in the event.

The event was also attended by officials of the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Law Enforcement Academy, the Ministry of Justice and the Committee on Religious Affairs.

In particular, the head of the Academy's anti-corruption scientific-educational center H.Tursunbekov in his speech gave information about corruption offenses in the national legislation, the measures of responsibility provided for them, the reforms being carried out to improve the principle of inevitability of responsibility for corruption crimes in our country based on international standards.

At the end of the event, a letter of thanks was presented to the Academy for its contribution to the prevention of corruption in "Uzsanoatkurilishbank" ADB.