A seminar-training on conducting investigative actions regarding crypto assets was held

A seminar-training on conducting investigative actions regarding crypto assets was held

At the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, foreign experts organized a specialized seminar-training for prosecutors, employees of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes, and Academy instructors on the topic: "Conducting investigative actions related to crypto assets".

The purpose of the seminar-training was to enhance the competence of investigators and law enforcement officials in the Republic of Uzbekistan in investigating crimes related to crypto assets.

The four-day seminar-training program included such relevant topics as the basics of cryptocurrencies, open-source intelligence (OSINT) reconnaissance tools, tracking transactions to cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency verification tools, darknet news, creating a wallet in TAILS, its types, access, and usage, decentralized finance (DeFi), decentralized exchange (DEX), and others.

Also, an online presentation by a Los Angeles Police Department detective (USA) demonstrated the process of recovering a crypto wallet through a "Seed."

At the conclusion of the seminar-training, certificates were awarded to the participants.