Ensuring Close Connection between Theoretical Training and Law Enforcement Practice

Ensuring Close Connection between Theoretical Training and Law Enforcement Practice

In order to actively involve undergraduate students in a scientific-analytical approach to the investigation of crimes, scientific clubs and circles have been organized based on the specializations of the departments at the Academy. To ensure a close connection between theoretical training and law enforcement practice, specialists with extensive practical experience in the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies are involved in the activities of scientific clubs and circles.

As part of the activities of the 'Future Prosecutors' circle, a session was held with the participation of Professor B.X. Pulatov, Professor F.X. Rakhimov, Deputy Head of the Department for the Investigation of Especially Serious Crimes of the Prosecutor's Office in Tashkent R. Botir Ugli, and Prosecutor of the Department for Ensuring the Powers of the Prosecutor in the Consideration of Criminal Cases of the Prosecutor's Office in Tashkent M. Berdikilichova.

During the session, students received answers to their questions.