Participated in the International Symposium on the History of Turkic Law

Participated in the International Symposium on the History of Turkic Law

A symposium on the history of Turkish law was held in Ankara, Republic of Turkey.

Well-known scientists, historians, political scientists, law professors, as well as representatives of state organizations of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan took part in the symposium, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and the Turkish Republic.

The main purpose of this event, organized by the secretariat of the Organization of Turkic States (OTG) of the Turkish Academy of Justice, is to develop a common legal space between the Turkic states and peoples, the expansion of the space of dialogue in order to establish effective international cooperation, exchange of experience and bring the rapprochement of the Turkic states to a new level.

The symposium laid the foundation for in-depth study and analysis the history of Turkish law, and its historical, cultural, and spiritual heritage, strengthening relationships and further enriching it in the future. The event also analyzed the role of our national legal system in the history of Turkish law and in the framework of international law, the role of legal scholars, government officials figures in the development of national statehood, based on historical and modern examples of events in the history of Turkish law.

Representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic Uzbekistan, within the framework of the symposium on the direction"

Statesman shaping the Turkic legal history", Sh.I.Shaizakov made a report on the topic "The role of the Khorezmshakh dynasty in the development of the system of Turkic state political and legal relations" (06.12.2023), and M.M.Mamasiddikov made a report on the direction "A legal scholar shaping the Turkic-historical law" on the topic "Scientists who developed the history of Turkish law in Mawaraunnahr: on the example of Burhaniddin Marginoni" (07.12.2023).

Following the results of the event, agreements were reached in the field of further strengthening cooperation in the training of legal personnel, as well as on conducting mutual research projects between participants of the Turkish network of judicial and legal education, of which the Law Enforcement Academy is a member The Republic of Uzbekistan.