Took part in the ceremony of awarding the high International prize in the field of combating corruption and the Forum of Champions of Integrity

Took part in the ceremony of awarding the high International prize in the field of combating corruption and the Forum of Champions of Integrity

Representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the ceremony of awarding the high International Award in the field of combating corruption, established by the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (under the auspices of the Government of Qatar and the United Nations), as well as the Forum of Champions of Integrity, held on December 19-20 this year at the Tashkent Congress Center.

The ceremony of awarding the high International Anti–Corruption Award was attended by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the founder of the award - Emir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, representatives of the United Nations, delegations from over 40 countries, including all laureates of this international award.

As part of the event, the opening of the symbolic monument of the International Prize in the Tashkent City International Business Center was held by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

The President of Uzbekistan made a welcoming speech, who noted that the establishment of the global anti-corruption award, which is one of the most pressing problems of a rapidly changing world, and the holding of the award ceremony on all continents deserves wide recognition. As Shavkat Mirziyoyev pointed out, "After all, the fight against corruption is the sacred duty of every person with a clear conscience, every democratic society and state”.

The systemic legal and institutional reforms implemented in the country in the fight against corruption, close cooperation with the United Nations, the OECD and other international structures, measures to put into practice preventive mechanisms aimed at ensuring openness, transparency of activities and increasing government responsibility, reducing bureaucracy and simplifying public services, and preventing corruption were also noted.

The Head of State put forward a number of proposals and initiatives in the field of combating corruption, including the development and implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy until 2030, the creation of a Regional Research Center on Corruption issues to share experiences and strengthen dialogue, conduct scientific work with the active involvement of NGOs, increase the capacity of the national Anti-Corruption Agency, the introduction of new mechanisms, including the institute of "preliminary study" on the facts of corruption – anti-corruption investigation.

The priority task is the formation of a new generation, which will be vaccinated with the "honesty vaccine" from childhood. It is planned to widely implement the United Nations Global Resource Program on Anti-Corruption Education and increasing anti-corruption activity of young people in the country.

The President of Uzbekistan also proposed to hold a Global Media Forum to effectively use the opportunities of journalists and further increase their influence in the fight against corruption.

Then awards were presented in five different directions to 9 winners from among scientists and researchers, journalists, innovators and activist organizations who have made a significant contribution to the fight against corruption.

On December 20, the Integrity Champions Forum was held, consisting of five panel sessions, during which the winners of previous years shared their experiences, international views on corruption, discussed the role of youth, academia and education in preventing corruption, the link between academia and innovation, as well as other relevant issues. A separate session is devoted to regional initiatives in the field of anti-corruption.

On the sidelines of the forum, the Academy's leadership discussed a number of issues on establishing cooperation with leading experts from among the winners of the International Award, strengthening the Academy's expert-analytical and educational potential in the field of anti-corruption.