The students of the Master's degree visited the Customs Clearance Center

The students of the Master's degree visited the Customs Clearance Center

Students of the magistracy of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, studying by correspondence in the specialty "Prosecutorial activity", visited the Customs Committee and got acquainted with the activities of the Customs Clearance Center established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD–122 "On additional measures to further improve customs administration" dated April 27, 2022.

At the Center, the students got acquainted with the activities of the remote electronic declaration post, data processing center, call center, targeting and risk management departments.

The Central Customs Laboratory was of particular interest to the audience – a new example of active cooperation between Uzbekistan and the World Customs Organization.

The participants received detailed information about the work carried out in the customs sphere, about achievements and accumulated experience, as well as the interchange of scientific research and practical experience of employees working in the system.