A patriotic event was held

A patriotic event was held

In order to educate the students of the Academy in the spirit of patriotism, to form in them a sense of love for the Motherland, to develop a sense of belonging to the large-scale political, economic and other processes carried out in our country, to strengthen their knowledge and skills in terms of professional training and preparation for future official activities under the motto «Ким ватанга cодиқ бўлса, мендирман ўша» ("I am the one who is loyal to the Motherland") a patriotic event was held.

At the opening ceremony of the event, the exemplary military band and the National Guard Honor Guard unit presented performances and demonstrations filled with a sense of patriotism to the participants.

In the main and practical part, an exhibition of modern weapons was organized, consisting of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard, as well as forensic equipment and tools used in operational investigative activities.

The students got directly acquainted with the tasks of each weapon, special equipment and tools, their tactical and technical characteristics, the principles of operation of their parts and mechanisms, and received answers to all their questions directly from the specialists themselves.