Discussion of dissertation works within the framework of the "Hour of Science."

Discussion of dissertation works within the framework of the "Hour of Science."

The dissertations of independent researchers of the Academy of Legal Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A. Sharipova, on the topic "Problems of ensuring the inviolability of private property," and A. Adhamov, on the topic "Procedural features of considering cases on the recovery of material damage," took place within the framework of the traditional "Hour of Science."

Professors and lecturers of the Academy, researchers, as well as representatives of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme School of Judges under the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Legal University, the National Human Rights Center, and the Law Training Center participated in the event.

During the discussions, relevant issues in the field of ensuring the inviolability of the rights of private property and improving the procedure for the recovery of moral damages were considered.

As part of the event, researchers received answers to their questions of interest.