Another training seminar on improving the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff

Another training seminar on improving the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff

As part of the work to improve the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff, the introduction of innovative methods and technologies into the educational process of the Law Enforcement Academy, another training seminar was organized on the topic: "The introduction of a credit-modular system in the educational process" with the participation of D.Rajabov, Deputy Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Tashkent State Law University.

During the event, such issues as the content and essence of the credit-modular system introduced in higher educational institutions, its differences and features from the traditional education system, requirements for teaching staff in the credit-modular system, issues that should be paid special attention to when developing a program (syllabus) and educational content, and also, the organization of self-study of students and assessment of their academic performance.

At the end of the training seminar, the participants received answers to their questions.