Awarding of winners of scientific and creative competitions among employees of the prosecutor's office

Awarding of winners of scientific and creative competitions among employees of the prosecutor's office

A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of scientific and creative competitions among employees of the Prosecutor's Office was held at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2023 No. PP–170 "On additional measures to increase the moral and intellectual potential of employees of the prosecutor's office in the field of ensuring the rule of law in the country and close cooperation with the population", competitions were held, which consisted of the following nominations: "The best scientific article published in domestic publications", "The best scientific article published in foreign scientific publications", "The best analytical reference" and "The most active legal propagandist".

During November 2023, scientific articles, analytical materials, media appearances, reports and electronic promotional videos of about 50 employees of the prosecutor's office who expressed a desire to participate in the competition were carefully analyzed and evaluated by the commission in accordance with the terms of the competition.

The main purpose of the competition is to increase the moral and intellectual potential of employees of the prosecutor's office in ensuring the rule of law in our country, and the participation of prominent scientists of our country in the commission, along with practitioners with extensive experience in the prosecutor's office system, made it possible to ensure impartiality in evaluating the documents of the participants of the competition and identify worthy candidates.