Advanced training courses have begun with the participation of an investigator and an investigator of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes at the Prosecutor General's Office

Advanced training courses have begun with the participation of an investigator and an investigator of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes at the Prosecutor General's Office

On January 19, 2024, the Law Enforcement Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan began training sessions as part of a refresher course: "Issues of ensuring procedural mechanisms during conducting an inquiry and preliminary investigation" with the participation of an investigator and an inquirer of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes at the Prosecutor General's Office.

Based on the program in the course of comprehensive reforms implemented in our country by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev, the content and essence of the tasks assigned to the prosecutor's office in ensuring the rule of law and strengthening legitimacy, provides for compliance with procedural legislation when conducting inquiries and investigative actions by departmental bodies, as well as preventing violations on the ground and conducting lectures and practical exercises aimed at eliminating them.

During the advanced training course, students, based on the analysis of problematic situations arising in their practical activities, will receive appropriate professional legal explanations from professors and teachers of the Academy.    

 As part of the training at the Academy, lectures and practical classes are provided, using modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies, interactive and problem-situational teaching methods.

The practical significance of the courses is also attached to the work in small groups, during which the generalization and analysis of systemic problems arising in the activity is carried out, as well as the development of proposals for their elimination, taking into account positive practices and best foreign experience.