The Academy's leader conducted an open dialogue with the students

The Academy's leader conducted an open dialogue with the students

On January 25, 2024, meetings were held between the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Acting Chief of the Law Enforcement Academy S.I. Samadov, and the heads of the Academy's structural units with undergraduate students dedicated to spiritual education of students, protecting them from various negative phenomena and alien ideas.

During an open dialogue, the head of the Academy noted that the protection of the rights and interests of youth, the formation of a spiritually developed and physically healthy generation, and the creation of broad opportunities in the country for the realization of the talent and potential of youth are at the center of attention of the Head of State. This is evidenced, for example, by the fact that 2024 has been declared the "Year of Support for Youth and Business" in Uzbekistan.

Issues related to organizing the educational process at the Academy in close connection with education, science, and practice were also discussed. Opportunities created for students and priority tasks for further strengthening the scientific and educational potential of the Academy were highlighted.

The importance of compliance with internal regulations, active involvement of students in scientific clubs and circles, participation of Academy teams in intellectual games "Zakovat", as well as measures to support gifted students were emphasized.

Special attention was paid to the issues of preventing students from engaging in behavior that contradicts moral norms, and building a strong immunity in this direction.