Seminar-training on the methodology of scientific research

Seminar-training on the methodology of scientific research

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a seminar-training within the "Methodology of Scientific Research" module of the master's program.

In the seminar-training, a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor of the Tashkent Institute of Management and Economics, Ph.D. O. Nishonova participated.

During the training, the audience learned about today's requirements for the master's thesis, the selection and formalization of the topic of the master's thesis, as well as the justification and relevance of the topic of the master's thesis, the object and subject of the research, the goals and tasks of the research, and scientific novelty.

At the same time, the main issues and hypotheses of the research, the review (analysis) of the literature on the research topic, the description of the methodology used in the research, the theoretical and practical significance of the research results, the main part of the master's thesis, the size of the chapters, their interrelationship, the procedure for giving conclusions and recommendations full information was provided.

During the seminar-training, the participants received answers to the questions they were interested in about conducting scientific research.