Visit of students to the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan

Visit of students to the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan

With the aim of enhancing the political culture of youth and their awareness of political processes, students of the Academy visited the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (UzLiDeP).

During the event, representatives of UzLiDeP spoke about the party's policies regarding youth, economic reforms, and priority areas in the education and healthcare systems, as well as plans to enhance youth participation in political processes.

During discussions, students addressed a number of important political issues relevant to the future of our country.

UzLiDeP representatives outlined initiatives aimed at shaping political consciousness among youth, encouraging their active participation in public life, and ensuring their understanding of their political rights and responsibilities.

Such meetings serve as an important platform not only for acquiring knowledge but also for implementing the political and social activism of youth. Students of the Academy expanded their knowledge in the field of politics, which contributes to their active participation in the socio-political life of Uzbekistan.