Open classes have been organized on the essence of the rules of academic integrity and the requirements for their observance

Open classes have been organized on the essence of the rules of academic integrity and the requirements for their observance

The Law Enforcement Academy carries out systematic work to ensure academic integrity and prevent plagiarism in the works performed by students and listeners (types of control, analytical document, article, dissertations (theses).

In accordance with the Academy's work plan in the field of youth and spiritual and educational work, an open lesson was organized on the topic: "The importance of the rules of academic honesty for students and listeners, and the requirements for their observance."

During the lesson, the essence and content of the Rules of Academic Integrity, the requirements for their observance, as well as the legal consequences of plagiarism were explained in detail to students and listeners. The students were also presented with a positive experience in these issues.

The participants received answers to their questions.