Open Day at the Law Enforcement Academy

Open Day at the Law Enforcement Academy

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 28, 2022, No. PF-257 "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of training qualified personnel in the field of crime investigation," the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the General Prosecutor's Academy. One of the main tasks of the Academy is to organize a system of continuous education aimed at training personnel in the field of crime investigation, ensuring close integration with practice based on a unified approach.

Since the academic year 2023/2024, the Law Enforcement Academy has been training legal personnel in the direction of bachelor's degree in "Investigative Activity" and other legal disciplines.

Currently, admissions to the bachelor's program in "Investigative Activity" for the academic year 2024/2025 are ongoing. The admission process is traditionally conducted based on principles of openness and transparency.

The call center receives numerous inquiries related to admissions to the Academy's bachelor's program, indicating a high level of interest among applicants in studying at the Academy.

In this regard, on February 15, 2024, the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan held an Open Day.

On this day, the Academy was visited by students from graduating classes of schools and the Legal College of the capital, Law Lyceums under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tashkent city and Tashkent region, parents of Academy students, as well as representatives of the media.

The guests were greeted by the leadership and staff of the Academy, representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office, and honorary employees of law enforcement agencies.

The guests were thoroughly acquainted with the admission rules and the advantages of studying in the Academy's bachelor's program.

In particular, the duration of study in the bachelor's program at the Academy in the direction of "Investigative Activity" is three years, and graduates are awarded a state diploma.

Education is conducted in Uzbek and Russian languages based on state grants. Graduates are obliged to work (serve) in authorized state bodies for at least three years.

There are no benefits for admission to the Academy as stipulated in legislation for certain categories of applicants applying to other higher education institutions of the republic.

Graduates of the Academy in the field of investigative activity, when recruited for service (military service) in authorized state bodies, are appointed exclusively to officer positions or positions that involve a rank assignment.

To provide comprehensive insight into the training, retraining, and qualification enhancement of prosecutorial and investigative personnel, guided tours are organized in the Academy. During the event, participants are given the opportunity to participate in simulated practical applications of investigative and forensic tactics and methods of crime investigation at the Academy's forensic range, as well as test their skills in specially organized contests. Winners of the contests are awarded commemorative gifts.

Guests also have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the capabilities of the forensic laboratory, expertise laboratories, simulated courtroom, and other specially equipped facilities for practical and situational training.

The first DarkWeb cyber laboratory in our republic, established at the Academy, as well as the possibilities of using polygraph (lie detector) technologies in investigative processes, sparked great interest among young people.

Graduating students received detailed answers to questions regarding the bachelor's degree educational programs in "Investigative Activity" and "Prosecutorial Activity," as well as the admission and education procedures for the bachelor's program.

The conduct of Open Day at the Academy has become a cherished tradition, and similar events will be held on a systematic basis.