International seminar on fighting corruption and the secret economy

International seminar on fighting corruption and the secret economy

At the Law Enforcement Academy, jointly with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia and the Embassy of Great Britain in Uzbekistan, "Practical Anti-Corruption Policy" was organized at the seminar. Professors Mushtak Khan and Dr. Pallavi Roy, who have extensive experience in conducting scientific research on corruption and the shadow economy and are well-known worldwide, presented their projects at the event.

 In particular, the experts noted that the anti-corruption programs implemented by countries do not always lead to the intended goals and results, and it is necessary to take into account joint traditional and non-traditional approaches, including horizontal relationships, social norms, in the development of anti-corruption programs.

Another important aspect of the seminar is that the participants of the Regional Platform (representatives of anti-corruption bodies and prosecutor's offices of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan), organized by the countries of Central Asia for more effective implementation of the provisions of the UN Convention against Corruption, took part in the implementation of anti-corruption policy in business, increased their knowledge and skills in applying effective methods to reduce corruption.

Employees of the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Department for Combating Economic Crimes, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and scientific researchers of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies participated in the seminar.

During the seminar, experts thoroughly answered the questions of the participants. In particular, based on the new tasks assigned to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Department for Combating Economic Crimes by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the opinions of experts regarding approaches and positive experience in this direction, the responsibility of business representatives for corruption, and other similar issues were obtained.

Also, issues of attracting professors from the University of London as experts to activities to reduce the shadow economy in Uzbekistan, conducting joint research, were discussed at the Academy.