A spiritual and educational event was organized in the academy

A spiritual and educational event was organized in the academy

A unique event was held by the Law Enforcement Academy in the Gallery of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan under the motto "Antiquities - a symbol of enlightenment and patriotism". This conference was organized as a continuation of the spiritual and educational work carried out in the prosecutor's office and the Academy of Law Enforcement and was held with the participation of the leadership and staff of the Academy, historians, historians, gallery managers, and more than 100 students.

During the event, the great figures of the Jadidism movement,  such as Abdulla Avloni, Mahmudhoja Bekhbudi, and Munavvargari Abdurashidkhanov, were emphasized the unique contributions to the formation of the national education and training system, as well as the initiation of our society into enlightened and modern directions.

It was also noted that the event was based on the "concept of organizing spiritual and educational work in the prosecutor's office" approved by the head of our country, aimed at improving the outlook, political consciousness, and moral and intellectual potential of the prosecutor's office staff and students of the academy.

The participants of the conference also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the "Memory Lane" exhibition dedicated to the Jadidist movement in Turkestan. This exhibition provided an invaluable opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of national identity, learn from the past, and find inspirations that can positively impact our present.

This event was an important step that shows the deep respect of the educational and patriotic values ​​of the Uzbek society and introduces the future generations to the heritage of our great ancestors.