The next qualification exam for basic doctoral students and independent applicants of the Academy took place

The next qualification exam for basic doctoral students and independent applicants of the Academy took place

The Law Enforcement Academy conducted a qualification exam in the specialty and a foreign language for basic doctoral students and independent applicants of the Academy.

The exam was conducted by a commission of scientists and teachers from the Law Enforcement Academy, the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, the Representative of the Oliy Majlis for Children's Rights (Ombudsman), the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Higher School of Judges at the Supreme Council of Judges, the Institute of Parliamentary Studies, the University of Public Security, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tashkent State Law University and the State University world languages.

During the exam, the level of knowledge of special disciplines and foreign languages of basic doctoral students and independent applicants was studied, as well as scientific problems and their solutions were discussed within the framework of the dissertation topic conducted by researchers.

The researchers who successfully passed the qualification exam were awarded certificates.