A refresher course on ensuring prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation on minors has been organized

A refresher course on ensuring prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation on minors has been organized

A refresher course on the topic has been launched at the Law Enforcement Academy: "Issues of effective provision of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation on minors" with the participation of subject assistants of district (city) prosecutors.

The course program is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the field of organizing prosecutorial supervision of the implementation of legislation on minors, the specifics of social protection of disabled children and orphans, the specifics of communicating with minors in contact / conflict with the law, modern risks in relation to minors and other topical issues.

During the course, students will prepare analytical materials, including innovations introduced into legislation in the field of minors, systemic problems and shortcomings of law enforcement practice, and ways to solve them.