The textbook "Civil Law (General Part)" has been published.

The textbook "Civil Law (General Part)" has been published.

The Law Enforcement Academy has prepared and published the textbook "Civil Law (General Part)" in Russian.

This textbook covers the general principles of civil law, the emergence of civil rights and obligations, the implementation and protection of civil rights, physical and legal entities, tangible and intangible assets, contracts, representation and power of attorney, calculation of terms, property rights and other proprietary rights, the right to conduct business, the right of operational management, acquisition and termination of property rights, private, public, and common property, protection of property rights and other proprietary rights, general principles of obligations, the concept and parties of obligations, fulfillment of obligations, ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, changes in the parties to an obligation, liability for breach of obligations, termination of obligations, general principles of contracts, the concept and terms of contracts, making, amending, and terminating contracts.  

The textbook includes questions, case studies, tests, methodological instructions, and a list of literature for each topic to reinforce the subjects.

This textbook is intended for students and professors of higher legal education institutions, as well as a wide range of readers interested in civil law. It was published as part of USAID's legal reform program in Uzbekistan.

The textbook can be accessed and used at the Academy's Information Resource Center.