A spiritual and educational event dedicated to International Women's Day

A spiritual and educational event dedicated to International Women's Day

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a spiritual and educational event dedicated to International Women's Day. The event was organized in order to clarify the essence and content of the work being done to strengthen the place and status of women in society, to discuss issues of ensuring gender equality in various spheres of life. After all, the stability and development of the political, socio-spiritual environment in society are associated with the attitude and attention to women and youth, family.

Within the framework of the conference, the deputy director of the Research Institute "Family and Gender" at the "Committee of Family and Women" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the leader of the republican movement "Okila ayollar", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.Musurmonova made a report in which she touched upon the issues of women's participation in the formation of spiritual and moral values, the upbringing of a harmoniously developed generation.

The event was also attended by Advisor to the Rector for Family and Women's Affairs of the National University of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Academic Council, Associate Professor R.Rustamova, senior researcher at the Institute of Socio-Spiritual Research at the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan Sh. Akhrorova.

During the conference, the importance of increasing the activity of women in the processes of socio-economic transformation, embodying their high spiritual qualities, forming a national worldview and educating young people in the spirit of respect for our cultural and historical traditions, love for the Motherland, loyalty to the ideals of independence, preparing girls for family life, entrepreneurship and vocational training was noted. Following the results of the conference, recommendations were made to increase the comprehensive activity of women in society.