The Law Enforcement Academy conducts training camps "Youth loyal to the Motherland"

The Law Enforcement Academy conducts training camps "Youth loyal to the Motherland"


The Law Enforcement Academy conducts training camps "Youth loyal to the Motherland"

The Law Enforcement Academy has organized training camps "Youth loyal to the Motherland" on the basis of a specially developed program.

These training camps cover five thousand youth representatives from all districts of the capital.

The training camp program is aimed at such important issues as psychological support, teaching foreign languages, career guidance, assistance in employment, improving legal culture and legal awareness, fostering a sense of belonging to the fate of the Motherland, patriotism, love for the Motherland and its people.

The first classes within the framework of the training camps started on March 4 this year with the participation of the youth of the Bektemir district of Tashkent. During the event, psychological trainings, classes in foreign languages and physical training were organized by qualified specialists of the Academy using interactive methods.

At the end of the training camp, each participant was presented with a copy of a manual specially developed by the Academy, which summarizes information about the benefits and opportunities provided by the state for young people in the field of education, vocational training, business organization, learning foreign languages and other areas.

The training sessions will continue with the participation of youth representatives from all districts of the capital.