A scientific and practical round table was held on the problems of corruption and bureaucracy in science and scientific activity

A scientific and practical round table was held on the problems of corruption and bureaucracy in science and scientific activity


On March 14 of this year, the Republican Scientific and Practical round table “Corruption and bureaucracy in science and scientific activity: the problem and its solutions” was organized at the Law Enforcement Academy.

The round table was attended by: Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies, Academy of Sciences, Higher Attestation Commission, Anti-Corruption Agency, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Agency for Innovative Development, Institute of State and Law, Higher School of Judges, National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Law University, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Education and sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, faculty and researchers of the University.

The participants of the circle exchanged views on issues such as the prevention of corruption and the elimination of bureaucratic barriers during the certification of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, topical issues of training scientific personnel, academic integrity.

It is worth noting that the Law Enforcement Academy has been operating since 2020 the only scientific council in the republic and the world in the specialty “12.00.12 – problems of corruption (legal sciences)".

Currently, about 41 doctoral students (PhD and DSC) and independent researchers conduct scientific research in this specialty. About 10 defenses were conducted on topical issues of the fight against corruption.

However, a quarter, or 28 percent, of the total number of research conducted in academia is directly devoted to issues related to corruption and its problems. For example, about 30 researchers in other specialties (12.00.07, 12.00.08 and 12.00.09) also study scientific innovations on the topics of corruption prevention in various industries and directions.

Following the results of the event, the participants discussed in detail the existing problems of corruption and bureaucracy in science and scientific activity and put forward scientific and practical proposals aimed at overcoming them.

Following the results of the round table, it is planned to publish a collection of scientific articles on the identified problems.