The next seminar on improving the pedagogical skills of professors and teaching staff is a training

The next seminar on improving the pedagogical skills of professors and teaching staff is a training


The Academy of Law Enforcement conducts systematic activities aimed at improving the pedagogical skills of professors and teaching staff, introducing innovative technologies and techniques into the educational process.

Within the framework of this event, another training seminar was organized on the topic "The possibilities of implementing pedagogical skills based on an innovative approach" with the participation of Professor of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences M.H. Baybayeva.

At the training seminar with applying interactive techniques, the forms of manifestation of pedagogical skills and its components, methods of improving the pedagogical skills of professors and teaching staff of higher educational institutions and modern requirements, the image of a modern teacher and the qualities that determine its spiritual appearance were highlighted in detail.

At the end of the training seminar, detailed answers were given to the participants' questions on this topic.