Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Head of the Investigative Department R. Ashrapov got acquainted with the activities of the Law Enforcement Academy

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Head of the Investigative Department R. Ashrapov got acquainted with the activities of the Law Enforcement Academy


Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs – Head of the Investigation Department R. Ashrapov visited the Law Enforcement Academy.

During the visit, he got acquainted with the learning processes, the conditions created, and the use of modern educational-methodological and information technologies.

In particular, the guest got acquainted with the capabilities of the cyber polygon, the forensic testing ground, the courtroom simulation hall, and special laboratories of the Academy.

At the same time, a presentation of the monitoring (diagnostics) system for constant professional development of employees of the prosecutor's office, preliminary investigation and inquiry bodies took place.

During the presentation, the possibilities of testing professional, non-professional, physical and military training of employees, the formation of necessary training programs for employees based on the results of diagnostics, and the development of methodological recommendations were demonstrated.

Following the results of the event, issues of developing further cooperation between the Academy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were discussed.