The defense of the thesis took place

The defense of the thesis took place


During the regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences of the independent applicant of the Academy A.O.Khamidov on the topic took place: "Issues of further improvement of the organizational and legal foundations for ensuring the execution of court decisions" in the specialty "12.00.07 - Judicial power. Prosecutor's supervision. Organization of the activities of law enforcement agencies. Advocacy".

As part of the study, advanced foreign experience in the use of modern information technologies in the organization of the execution of court decisions was studied, and the structure of the draft code on enforcement proceedings was developed, the role of enforcement proceedings in the legal system was studied and analyzed, as a result, proposals were put forward to improve national legislation and law enforcement practice.

According to the results of the dissertation defense, the members of the Scientific Council recommended the applicant for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in legal sciences (PhD).

The staff of the Academy congratulates Azizbek Khamidov on the successful defense of his dissertation and wishes him further success in his scientific and professional activities!