Modern methods of digital forensics in investigative activities

Modern methods of digital forensics in investigative activities


The Law Enforcement Academy conducted a training course for investigators of the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: "The use of modern methods of digital forensics in conducting investigative actions."

The program of the training course is aimed at the formation and development of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of digital forensics. Key attention is paid to the methods of seizure and analysis of digital media, the creation of forensic data images.

The students mastered the tools of passive Internet intelligence (OSINT) for working with open sources of information, and also studied the methodology of investigating crimes related to the use of resources of the hidden Darknet network.

As part of the practical training, the investigators worked out the skills of using specialized software to extract, research and restore data from mobile devices. In addition, the students gained practical experience working with crypto assets and crypto wallets, having mastered the techniques of arrest and seizure of virtual assets.

The acquired competencies will allow investigators to effectively collect and analyze digital evidence, ensuring a high level of evidence base in the investigation of crimes.