Academy students took part in a cyber-sports tournament

Academy students took part in a cyber-sports tournament


Students of the Academy took part in cyber sports competitions among university students organized by the International Foundation for the Development of Science and Education "Ziyo Forum" in the discipline "CS:2".

More than 100 teams participated in the competition. Each game was played in a tense and uncompromising struggle. Participants from all regions of our country demonstrated their quick decision-making skills and ability to work in a team.

The Academy team has done a lot of preparatory work, which allowed them to develop their own strategy for the competition and gain the necessary interaction experience, which allowed them to win over rival teams during the competition. In each game, the Academy team stood out for its strategic approach, quick actions and flexibility in the game.

The competition left a great impression not only on the participants, but also on the audience. The fighting spirit and high level of competition organization contributed to the growth and development of cyber sports.

The successful participation of the Academy team inspired the students to achieve even better results in this field in the future.