On the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in legal sciences (PhD) by Safarov Temur Uktamovich

On the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in legal sciences (PhD) by Safarov Temur Uktamovich


On April 23, 2024 at 10:30 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc. 31/31.12. 2020.Yu.67.01 of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in legal sciences (PhD) by Safarov Temur Uktamovich on the topic will take place: "Improvement of internal anti-corruption mechanisms (by the example of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan)" in the specialty "12.00.12 – Problems of Corruption (legal sciences)".

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