Measures to shape a tolerant attitude towards extremism and terrorism among young students have been implemented at the Law Enforcement Academy.

Measures to shape a tolerant attitude towards extremism and terrorism among young students have been implemented at the Law Enforcement Academy.


In order to strengthen feelings of vigilance and awareness in students, such as caution and vigilance, and to increase their tolerance towards extremism and other negative phenomena, responsible specialists have organized a round table discussion involving students and listeners.

The round table discussion was attended by X.Jamolov, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Head of the Counterterrorism and Extremism Department, and N. Abulxasan, President of the Association of Non-State Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with their presentations.

Experts underlined in their talks the need of training the next generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland, respect for national and international values, preventing spiritual emptiness, and defending them against the negative influences. In view of the increasing impact of global communication technologies and online platforms among users, which support the future development of youth, they also talked about the growing necessity for every young person to become more alert and conscious.

At the conclusion of the round table discussion, students received responses to their questions from specialists. These actions will be methodically carried out through interagency cooperation with professionals.