Academy students' visit to "Shon-sharaf" museum

Academy students' visit to "Shon-sharaf" museum


A visit to the "Shon-sharaf" museum in Tashkent was organized in order to increase the awareness of students about the Second World War, to demonstrate the courage and bravery of our people in the war. Academy students got acquainted with interesting information about wartime events, military operations and the contribution of the people of Uzbekistan in the war.

Important documents from the Second World War, military uniforms, heroic orders and medals, photographs and various equipment are exhibited in the museum. Here, as well, remembering the heroism of our compatriots who fought at the front, information about their valiant struggle is presented, which will leave an unforgettable impression.

The students were very interested in the exposition of this museum, in particular, in the valiant struggle of our compatriots for peace and freedom, and their bravery in this way. Through the exhibits in the museum, they have the opportunity to learn about the difficulties our people faced during the war and the unparalleled courage they showed despite it.

This event was important in the way of instilling pride and patriotism in the youth for their people, strengthening the historical worthy attitude to the past history.