A training course for investigators of the State Security Service has begun

A training course for investigators of the State Security Service has begun


A training course for investigators of the State Security Service, dedicated to the issues of organization of investigative activities on crimes against peace and security, investigation and the use of modern forensic and technical tools in this process, has started at the Law Enforcement Academy.

The course program covers the investigation of crimes against peace and security, the correct formalization of information stored on digital devices during the investigation, the restoration of deleted information on social networks, modern methods used in personal identification. the use of criminalistic technical means and a number of similar topical issues.

In addition to theoretical training during the advanced training course, there are practical training sessions in order to strengthen the acquired knowledge and develop the necessary skills, including the Republican Center for Forensic Expertise named after Kh. The Religious Affairs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other organizations are planning to hold mobile training sessions.