A competition was held in line preparation

A competition was held in line preparation


May 9 - in connection with the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation, in order to educate young people in the spirit of military patriotism, to form a feeling of love for the Motherland, to strengthen their knowledge and skills in professional training, and to prepare them for future service activities, military training competitions between 1st year training groups at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was conducted.

At the opening ceremony of the event, a special model military orchestra and honor guard unit of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan performed.

During the competition, the participants were evaluated by judges consisting of officers and military personnel of the National Guard on the ceremonial march of the group from the "Rail training" on the field of the line with the line song.

Finally, the results were as follows:

1st place -students of  group "B"  the "Investigative activity" direction;

2nd place - Russian language education group of the "Investigative activity" direction;

3rd place - 3rd group students "A" of the direction "Investigative activity".

The competition was held in a friendly and cheerful spirit, and the winners were duly awarded with diplomas, cups and books.

Such events are organized regularly.