Open Doors Day at the Law Enforcement Academy

Open Doors Day at the Law Enforcement Academy


The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan operates on the principles of openness and transparency. Currently, the Law Enforcement Academy is the only specialized higher educational and research institution in the country that trains personnel for the prosecutor's office and state bodies authorized to conduct inquiries and preliminary investigations.

Thus, young people aspiring to careers as prosecutors or investigators can achieve their dreams only by studying at the Law Enforcement Academy.

The Academy has implemented a comprehensive educational process based on a two-tier system of higher education - bachelor and master's programs in investigative activities and other law enforcement areas.

At present, the Academy has started accepting applications for the master's program in "Investigative Activities" for the 2024/2025 academic year in the full-time study mode.

In this regard, an Open House was organized at the Academy on May 17, 2024.

On this day, the Academy was visited by high school and law university graduates from the capital, parents, and media representatives. The guests were welcomed by the Academy's leadership and staff, representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office, and distinguished law enforcement officers.

Guests were thoroughly acquainted with the admission rules and the advantages of studying in the undergraduate and master's programs at the Academy.

No benefits provided by legislation for certain categories of applicants when entering other higher educational institutions in the republic apply to admission to the Academy.

Graduates of the Academy in the field of investigative activities, upon entering service (military service) in authorized state bodies, are appointed exclusively to officer positions or those providing for the conferring of a class rank.

To provide guests with a comprehensive understanding of the system for training, retraining, and improving the qualifications of prosecutorial and investigative personnel, a tour was organized at the Academy.

During the event, participants had the opportunity to engage in practical simulations of investigative and forensic tactics and crime investigation methods at the Academy's forensic training ground, as well as to test their skills in specially organized competitions.

Military-patriotic activities and drill training sparked genuine interest among the young guests.

Additionally, guests had the chance to explore the forensic office, expert laboratory, mock courtroom, and other specially equipped rooms for practical and situational training.

The first DarkWeb cyber laboratory in our republic, created at the Academy, along with the use of polygraph (lie detector) technologies in investigative processes, generated significant interest among the youth.

Guests received detailed answers to questions regarding the Academy's undergraduate and master's educational programs.

A book fair organized as part of the event provided book lovers with a great opportunity to purchase new books.

Holding an open doors day at the Academy has become a good tradition, and similar events will be conducted on a systematic basis.


Press Service of the Academy

Tel.: 71-202-04-96 (1737)