"Attention to Candidates Who Passed the Initial Selection for the 'Investigation Activities' Direction of the Academy's Bachelor's Program!!!

"Attention to Candidates Who Passed the Initial Selection for the 'Investigation Activities' Direction of the Academy's Bachelor's Program!!!


Based on Clause 48 of the Regulations 'On the Procedure for Admission and Organization of Bachelor's Studies at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan,' approved by Resolution No. 143 of the Cabinet of Ministers on April 6, 2023, all applicants are charged half of the base calculation amount (170,000 som) for participating in the special psychological test and written exam in the 'Investigation Activities' direction of the Academy.

Payments will not be refunded to applicants who do not participate in the special psychological test and written exam.

The fee for participating in the special psychological test and written exam must be paid by June 3, 2024.

An invoice for payment has been generated in the candidate's personal account (an SMS has been sent regarding the need to make a payment).

The list of candidates who have not made the payment for participating in the special psychological test and written exam (as of 11:20 on June 3, 2024, with the invoice number indicated) is:

According to Appendix 1 for the militarized direction;

According to Appendix 2 for the non-militarized direction.

ATTENTION! Today, June 3, is the last day for candidates to make the relevant payment.

Detailed information about the exam time and locations can be found on the special electronic platform of the Agency for Assessment of Knowledge and Skills under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation (www.uzbmb.uz), as well as through updates related to the entrance exams for the Law Enforcement Academy's bachelor's program on the official website of the Academy (www.proacademy.uz)."

According to Appendix 1 for the militarized direction;

According to Appendix 2 for the non-militarized direction.