Conducting training on access to information and freedom of expression in cooperation with UNESCO

Conducting training on access to information and freedom of expression in cooperation with UNESCO


The Law Enforcement Academy jointly with UNESCO organized a seminar on freedom of speech, freedom of information and guarantees for the safety of journalists.

The two-week event was organized within the framework of the program "Empowering the Government and citizens of Uzbekistan by increasing access to information, institutional responsibility and competence of the media", funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the UNESCO Multilateral Donor Program for the Safety of Journalists (TIR). The program is aimed at expanding citizens' access to information, strengthening institutional responsibility and improving the skills of personnel.

It is important to raise awareness and strengthen the capacity of law enforcement officials in the process of protecting the rights to freedom of expression and ensuring the safety of journalists. The organized workshop is part of a broader initiative being implemented by UNESCO.

The training was conducted by Sabine Oullet (Canada), an international expert with extensive experience in the field of protecting journalistic activities and ensuring freedom of speech and information. The event was attended by the academic staff and researchers of the Academy, representatives of the Prosecutor's Office and the Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement.

During the seminar, the participants improved their knowledge and skills on topical issues such as the basic principles of freedom of speech, mechanisms for implementing international standards, access to open information, honesty in the media and the safety of journalists.

Following the results of the event, the participants were awarded certificates.